Oh Motivation, where art thou? I have burnt out on cold calling, I hate walking and talking without a partner. That leaves me with nothing to do, seriously, nothing productive to complete today. This job is definitely the bane of my existence right now, people are only happy here when they seem to be making money. Ah! That's why I hate this...because I'm not making squat. So you're all probably wondering why I am so reluctant to get off my butt and make phone calls to random business owners today. Well, let me tell you about oh so wonderful fiasco last week.
I met with a business owner I had discovered while cold calling, he seemed somewhat promising on the phone. Finally, a business man that will meet with me! At this point I'll take whatever scraps get thrown my way! Since this indeed is a rarity, you can imagine how proud of myself I was. I met Mr. Fields at a Starbucks in Seal Beach, perfect business attire, my papers stuffed under my left wing. I sat down thinking, "LET'S DO THIS!"
Mr. Fields showed me documents about his business, and explained to me how he got started. He's 62, and had launched a new business he had much experience in from previous employment, and was now starting from scratch. Basically he owns a company that disposes of waste materials produced by other companies, be it debris, or chemicals and so on. I was ready to show him some options, I was guns hot, and suddenly he shot me down.
"I only came here to meet you because I liked the sound of your voice." He said. Ah wonderful a creeper, I am a magnet for a creeper. Next he tells me his CPA laughed at him when he told him he was going to meet with me. "Why was he laughing?" I asked. Mr. Fields then bursts out in laughter himself, ah yes I couldn't wait for this answer. "Basically he said I was only coming here to see your tits." With that I packed up my bags and left, dignity definitely not intact. So I'm guessing if I was a male insurance agent, I could brush this off and continue on my merry way looking for other business. Well too bad for me I am not a man, and men certainly don't have "tits" to show off to random business owners. Hopefully you all can now understand why this mental and stubborn obstacle stands in my way.
So today I will slug myself into the office, maybe make 50 calls, try my hardest to sound enthusiastic. While accomplishing this I will try my hardest not to hang myself with one of my co's coat hangers that they use to hang their own coats up. Wish me luck, because today is gonna be a long one....
Can you say bad attitude, because yes, indeed I definitely have one!
"Nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged. That's not the place to become discouraged."
~Thomas A. Edison